Understanding the Sales Representative Role-based Profile

Aptify includes several pre-defined role-based profiles that can simplify a particular type of user's interaction with the system. Aptify has designed one of these profiles based on the typical requirements of an organization's Sales Representative. This profile provides easy access to the information and functions within Aptify commonly accessed by an individual who is responsible for generating and processing sales opportunities.

A role-based profile is intended as a starting point for a particular type of Aptify user. As applicable, an administrator can leverage the profiles provided by Aptify to create new profiles specific to an organization. Also, once an end user's Aptify profile has been created, he or she can modify the profile as needed to personalize the Aptify user experience.

See Using Role-based Profiles for more information on role-based profiles.


The topic describes the design and layout of the Sales Representative profile included with Aptify. It covers the following sub-topics:

About the Sales Representative Main Dashboard

The main dashboard for the Sales Representative profile includes the following elements:

  • Main Dashboard Sales Rep Button Bar: The top of the Sales Representative user's main dashboard contains a button bar with the following buttons:
    • New Opportunity: Click this button to open a new Opportunities record.
    • New Referrals: Click this button to open a new Referrals record.
    • New Referrals Request: Click this button to open a new Referral Requests record.
    • New Company: Click this button to open a new Companies record to add a new company to Aptify.
    • New Person: Click this button to open a new Persons record to add a new person to Aptify.

  • Most Recently Used Items: This instance of the Most Recently Used control provides quick access to recently viewed records and views for the current user from any service within Aptify. See Using the Desktop Client Most Recently Used Dashboard for more details.

  • Current Follow-up Items: This is a list view of all Contact Log follow-ups that are not completed and assigned to the current user. The view includes all items due on or before 7 days from the current date.

  • To Do List (Tasks): This is a list view of all Tasks that are assigned to the current user and are not yet completed. The view includes all tasks due on or before 7 days from the current date and tasks without a due date.

  • My Sales, Opportunities And Targets: This is a chart view that displays the current user's actual sales, opportunities and sales targets by quarter for the current quarter and the next quarter. Clicking on the topic of the chart provides a list of the corresponding Sales Targets or Opportunities records from the EmployeesSales entity. Note that since EmployeeSales is a virtual entity, records cannot be opened directly from the drill down view.

  • My Opportunities: This is a list view of Opportunities that are open for the current user. 
    Sales Rep Main Dashboard

About the Sales Representative Shortcuts

The Sales Representative profile includes a set of shortcuts that provide instant access to information in Aptify that is of interest to members of an organization's sales department. The available shortcuts are:

  • Find Persons: A prompt view to locate a Persons record based on a person's last name and/or associated company.
  • Find Company By Name: A prompt view to locate a Companies record by company name.
  • Find Opportunities By Company: A prompt view to locate an Opportunity based on the company associated with that opportunity. This view includes hierarchies that display linked Opportunities (next proposals if a part of a series) and Referrals related to a particular company.
  • Find Person By Company: A prompt view to locate a Persons record based on a person's company.
  • Current Sales Targets: A list view of the current Sales Targets for all sales associates.

Sales Representative Shortcuts

About the Sales Representative Subscribed Applications

The Sales Representative profile is subscribed to the Sales Force Automation application by default. The Sales Force Automation application has its own dashboard that provides access to information that is important to sales staff.

The Sales Representative's profile is subscribed to six services in the Sales Force Automation application be default: Opportunities, Sales Target, Persons, Companies, Referrals and Referral Requests. Note that a user can add or remove services as necessary using the Application Services dialog. (See Adding and Removing Services for details.)

The dashboard for the Sales Force Automation application contains the following elements from top to bottom:

  • Open Opportunities: A list view of all open opportunities in the Aptify system.

  • My Sales Targets vs. Actual: A chart view displaying the variance between the sales targets and the actual sales achieved for the current user by year and quarter. Clicking a point on the line graph displays a list view of the associated Sales Target records.

Sales Force Automation Dashboard

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