Once the Aptify web site is installed, the following steps are needed to configure the report functionality for the Aptify web interface, broken down by release.
Aptify 5.5.4 and up
- Create a System DSN to the Aptify Database from the Web Server: which is created through the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
- Open the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
- Click Add on the System DSN tab.
- Select SQL Server and Finish.
- Enter a Name and select the database server from the Server drop-down.
- Click Next and select the SQL Server Authenticationusing Login ID option. Or choose the NT Authentication option if your user has the appropriate credentials on the database server.
- Select the Connect to SQL Server to obtain... option and enter an administrative username and password.
- Complete the rest of the wizard with default options and Finish to create the DSN.
- Setup checks for 32-bit and 64-bit versions of SAP Crystal Reports: During the Aptify 5.5.3 web site installation, the setup program performs a check for the presence of both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Crystal Reports. If one or more is not present, the setup program installs the missing software.
- After installation, verify that the correct versions of Crystal Reports have been installed. SeeVerifying the Installed Version of Crystal Reportsfor more information.
- If your environment uses SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) reports, ensure that the procedures inSetting Up Aptify to Use SQL Server Reporting Servicesare performed.
Troubleshooting Reports
If reports fail to load through the browser, check the following:
Aptify 5.5.4 and up
Installing the correct Crystal Report Runtime: If after verifying the version of Crystal Reports on your server, you find that the version is incorrect, see Installing the Provided Version of Crystal Reports for more information.
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