About the UI Part Types Form

This service stores the different types of UI parts that are used to categorize the UI elements that are used to display forms, dashboards, and other features in Aptify's browser-based interface. This web form was added for the web interface in Aptify 5.5.1.

The default records in this service are as follows:

  • Container: used to contain multiple UI parts under a single UI Parts record. For example, a form template will link to one UI part that is a Container for HTML, CSS and JavaScript UI Parts.
  • HTML: used to define the structure of a UI Part.
  • CSS: used to define the layout of a UI Part.
  • JavaScript: parts of this type define the interactive effects of a UI Part.
  • JSON: parts of this type define how data is organized and accessed by a UI Part.


UI Part Types Record

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the UI Part Types record. The tab becomes available when the record is initially saved.

General Tab


The name of the UI part.


If the part is a subset of another UI part, this field defines the parent UI part.


A description of the UI part.

UI Parts Tab

This tab lists any UI Parts relevent to the UI Part Types record.

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