About the Form Components Form

Form components describe the type of items which make up a form template. Examples of form components include the Multi-line Text Field, Combo Box, Link Box and Attachments Control.

Form Components Record

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Form Components record. The tab becomes available when the record is initially saved.

General Tab

Name (Required)

The name of the form component.

Category (Required)

The Category field links a Form Component to a Form Component Category record.


A description of the form component.

Run Mode (Required)

Run mode indicates how the component is enabled when used in a Form Template Part. By default, All is selected. The options available are:

  • All: The component is enabled for both new and existing records.
  • New Only: The component is enabled only for new records.
  • Save Only: The component is enabled only for existing records and not on new records.

Disabled Behavior (Required)

This field determines how the component is applied based on the Run Mode selected. It is only applicable when Run Mode is set to New Only or Save Only. The setting chosen may be overridden in Form Template Parts records linked to this component. Settings available are:

  • Disable: This is the default setting and indicates that no disabling behavior is applied.
  • Hide: When this form component is used to describe a Form Template Parts record, and the part is added to a Form Templates record, the part does not display on the form during the Run Mode specified. For example, if Run Mode is set to New Only, the Form Template Part is not visible on new records.


The comments field contains any additional details relevant to the Form Components record.


If this component corresponds to a tab on a form, you can specify an icon from the Object Repository in this field. Tab parts that use this component will automatically display the selected icon to the right of the tab name.

Add To Designer Toolbox

When selected, this option specifies that the component appears in the Visual Designer Toolbox. A system administrator can add a new field that uses this component to a form's tab by selecting this component in the toolbox. See Using the Visual Designer to Add New Fields or Controls for details.

Note that when selected, this component only appears in the toolbox if its category's Scope is Global. See About the Form Component Categories Form for more information.

Is Container

This option is added in Aptify 5.5.3. When selected, this option specifies that the component is a container component and can host a sub-template. Out of the form components currently delivered with Aptify, only the Group Box form component can host a sub-template. This option is not enabled for other delivered form components.

Input Properties Tab

Input properties are methods by which the certain properties of the component may be modified at the Form Template Parts record level. This tab lists all Input Properties records associated with the component.

See About the Input Properties Form for Information on the Input Properties sub-type form.

UI Platforms Tab

This tab, added in Aptify 5.5.1 to support the web interface, stores information about the UI parts defined for the form template that are generated for use in Aptify's browser-based interface.

UI Properties Form

UI Platform

The platform where the form is available.


The UI part for this form, typically a container (which includes the visual and functional elements of the form).

Layout Control Part

If the form includes a layout control, defines the UI part associated with the layout control.

Web Controls Tab

This tab contains fields that determine how to display the component within an Aptify Web Access (AWA) session.

Web Object

The Object field identifies the Object Repository Object that defines the Form Component for an AWA session.

Web Class

Class within the object selected in the Object field that defines the Form Component for an AWA session.

Web Assembly Name

The .NET assembly that defines the Form Component for an AWA session.

Web License

License key required to run the component in an AWA session.

Windows Controls Tab

This tab contains fields that determine how to display the component within the Aptify client application on a Windows computer.

Object (Required)

The Object field identifies the Object Repository Object that defines the Form Component.

Class (Required)

Class within the object selected in the Object field that defines the Form Component.

Assembly Name

The .NET assembly that defines the Form Component.


License key required to run the component (if required by third-party vendor).

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