About the Alert Types Form

The Alert Types Form stores information about the available Alert Types in Aptify.

Alert Types Form
Alert Type Actions Tab

The Alert Type Actions tab lists all actions associated with the form.

Alert Type Group Permissions Tab

The Alert Type Group Permissions tab contains a list of all Alert Type Group Permissions records, which define the groups granted permission to modify this alert.

Alert Type User Permissions Tab

The User Permissions tab contains a list of all Alert Type User Permissions records, which define the users granted permission to modify this alert.

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Alert Types record.

Component Plug In Tab

Alert Detail Viewer Object

The object in the Object Repository that contains the Alert Detail Viewer Assembly and Class.

Alert Detail Viewer Assembly

The .NET assembly that includes the Alert Detail Viewer Class.

Alert Detail Viewer Class

The class within the Alert Detail Viewer Assembly that defines the alert functionality for this Alert Type.

General Tab

Name (Required)

The name of the Alert Type.

Default Importance

The Default Importance field is reserved for future use.

Display In Message Box

The Display In Message Box is displayed for future use.

Display In Tool Tip

The Display In Tool Tip field is reserved for future use.

Allows Clearing

The Allows Clearing field is reserved for future use.


This field determines the icon that appears to the left of this alert type in the Alert List dialog. If blank, Aptify uses the default application icon. Note that icons are stored in the Object Repository.


Alert Types can be applicable throughout Aptify or be specific to an entity. Select Global (the default setting) from the drop-down to apply the Alert Type to all entities or select Entity for the Alert Type to be applicable to a specific entity. If you select the Entity option, specify the entity in the Entity ID field.

Entity ID

The entity in which the Alert Type will appear. This field links to the Entities service. This field is only applicable if you select the Scope of the Alert Type to be Entity.

Start Date

The date when the Alert Type begins.

End Date

The date when the Alert Type ends. Once an End Date is reached, this Alert Type is no longer available, even if the Alert Type's Status is Active.


The Alert Types current status (Active or Inactive). When set to Active (the default setting), alerts for this Alert Type will be associated with records when applicable. When set to Inactive, this Alert Type is disabled.

Rank (required)

The rank number indicates the order in which the Alert Type appears under the Alert List dialog. Note that Alert Types with Scope set to Global always appear before Alert Types with Scope set to Entity.

Display Alert On Load

Specifies whether or not the alert should be displayed automatically when an applicable record is opened. When set to 1, the Alert List dialog will display when opening a record that has an associated alert of this type. When set to 0 (the default setting), the Alert List dialog is not displayed when opening a record.


This field is reserved for future use. It links to the Views service.


This field is reserved for future use. It links to the Lists service.

Entity Definition

This field is reserved for future use. It links to the Entity Definitions service.

Source Script Tab

Script Name

The name of the script that is used for the Alert Type.

Script Type

This field specifies the script's type. By default, Aptify includes a Script Type called Alerts to be used for these types of scripts. This field links to the Script Types service.

Script Language

This field specifies the script's coding language. This field links to the Script Language service.

Script Text

The text of the script. 

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