Resizing a Dashboard Area

Dashboard areas in the Aptify Desktop client can be resized to better organize the appearance of the dashboard. This topic describes two ways to resize a dashboard area:

Resizing from the Dashboard

This procedure works for resizing all dashboards in the Aptify Desktop client.

  1. Position the cursor over an edge of a dashboard area until the cursor changes to a doubleheaded arrow.
  2. Drag the edge until the area is the desired size.  

    Resizing Dashboard Area

Resizing From the Dashboard Options Form

Note that this procedure is only applicable for resizing a user-specific dashboard in the Aptify Desktop client. You cannot open the options for a global or group-based dashboard.

  1. Click the Options... link on the dashboard title bar.
  2. Select Edit <Dashboard Name>.
    • The Dashboard Options form displays.
  3. Select the Layout tab and maximize the window so that it covers the entire screen.
  4. Position the cursor over an edge of an area until the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow.
  5. Drag the edge until the area is the desired size. 
    Resize Area in Dashboard Options Dialog
  6. Click OK to save and close. The modifications will appear on the dashboard.


You can also set the size of an area on the Dashboard Area form. See About the Dashboard Area Form for more information.

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