The Persons service provides a central repository for tracking information about all of the individuals with whom an organization does business or maintains contact. The Persons service may contain records of members, prospects, vendors, government contacts, and so forth. The tabs on the Persons form provide the ability to track detailed information about an individual as well as provide a summary view of all the related transactional records an individual has with the organization. From each tab, it is easy to drill down into each related record to see detailed information about a particular transaction. Person records are an integral part of many different processes or transactions and provide easy access to several other services in the system. Through the various tabs, users can access order entry, contact management functions, meetings or subscription information, related person records, and many others.
This topic contains the following sub-topics:
- Creating a Persons Record
- Indicating a Job Function for a Person
- Adding Education to a Persons Record
- Establishing Relationships Between Persons
- Recording Relationships Between People and Additional Companies
- Updating the Preferred Currency for a Person
- Updating the Credit Status for a Person
- Adding a Saved Payment Method for a Person
- Managing Tax Exemptions for a Person
- Viewing Person Order Totals and Dollar Values
- Updating the Contact Log
- Tracking Phone and Voicemail Contacts
- Adding and Viewing Pictures Attached to a Persons Record
- Adding a Picture to a Persons Record
- Using the List View Preview Pane in Persons
- About the Wizards for Persons
- Synchronizing Persons with Outlook Contacts
- Using the Mail Merge Wizard
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