Creating Floorplans

This topic contains the following sub-topics that describe how to create floorplans for expos, and describe the standard floorplan status options:

Creating a Blank Floorplan

Follow these steps to create a new floorplan using a blank Floorplans record:

  1. Open a new Floorplans record from the Floorplans service. The New Floorplan wizard launches automatically, displaying the Welcome page. Click Next to continue. 

    Welcome Page
  2. The Floorplan Source page appears. Select the Create Blank Floorplan option and click Next.

    Floorplan Source Page
  3. Confirm that a new, blank floorplan is created by clicking Finish.

    Confirmation Page
  4. When the Floorplans record opens, enter a name and select a venue for the floorplan.
  5. If this Floorplans record will synchronize with a floorplan in a third-party floorplan system (like ExpoCAD), specify the third-party system in the Floorplan System field. See Linking a Floorplan to EXPOCAD Desktop for details. 

    Blank Floorplans Record
  6. Specify the Unit of Measure and enter the floorplan width and floorplan length.
    • The Page Scale and Drawing Scale fields are reserved for future use. 
    • You can leave these fields at their default setting for floorplans that link to a Floorplan System (since they are not applicable). 
  7. Enter the booth settings to determine the default dimensions of the booths and to set the default number of units contained in each booth.
    • You can leave these fields at their default setting for floorplans that link to a Floorplan System (since they are not applicable).
  8. Select the floorplan Status from the list of configured Floorplan Status records. This setting controls whether the floorplan is editable and whether booths can be assigned to customers. See About the Default Floorplan Statuses for details.
  9. To allow the floorplan to be copied at a later time, select the Allow Copies option. This option is selected by default.
  10. Save the Floorplans record before continuing.

Upon saving the record, the Booths tab becomes available. If the floorplan is not linking to a third-party Floorplan System, you can create booths for the floorplan using this Booths tab. For more information on configuring booths for the floorplan within Aptify, see Managing the Booths.

If the floorplan will link to a third-party system, do not create booths within Aptify. Instead, synchronize the Floorplans record with a floorplan in the third-party system. See Linking a Floorplan to EXPOCAD Desktop for details.

Copying an Existing Floorplan Using New Floorplan Wizard

Because customers reserve booths on a floorplan by purchasing an Expo product during order entry, each floorplan can only be linked with one expo. However, floorplans can be copied for reuse if the Allow Copies option is selected on the General tab of the original Floorplans record. Additionally, if the floorplan status selected on the General tab of the new Floorplans record allows edits, the copied floorplan can be modified. This allows greater flexibility in configuring floorplans, as users can quickly set up similar floorplans by copying an existing record and making changes, rather than having to build each one manually.

  1. Open a new Floorplans record from the Floorplans service. The New Floorplan wizard launches automatically, displaying the Welcome page. Click Next to continue.

    Welcome Page
  2. Select the Use existing Floorplan to create new Floorplan option. A list of existing venues and floorplans displays. Browse through the venues list and select the floorplan to be copied.
    • Once a floorplan is highlighted, the Details area automatically updates to show information about the selected floorplan (width and length of booths, number of booths and number of units). Click Next to continue.

    Floorplan Source Page
  3. The next page of the wizard prompts the user to update the Name, Description, and Floorplan Status for the new floorplan and allows them to specify what features of the copied floorplan should be included. 

    Copy -Information Page

    • On this page, the user selects the type of copying method. Two possibilities exist when copying a floorplan:
      • Copy Architecture: This option only appears when the Floorplan Status is Initial Design. This option is reserved for future use.
      • Copy the Booth Layout: This option only appears when the Floorplan Status is Initial Design or Arrange & Assign. If this option is selected, the size and arrangement of the booths are copied for the floorplan. Booth assignment information, obtained from orders placed against the expo that contains the original floorplan, is not copied.
    • When copying booths, the user must determine how to handle booths that were combined in the original floorplan. Two options are available for handling combined booths when copying a floorplan.
      • Break Apart Combined Booths: All booths that were combined in the original floorplan are split into their original booths for the copied floorplan.
      • Keep Combined Booths: Any booths that were combined in the original floorplan are copied as combined into the new floorplan.
    • Click Next to continue once all copy settings have been defined. The Confirm New Floorplan page displays.
  4. Confirm the floorplan copy settings.
      • If the settings are incorrect, click Back to modify.
      • If all settings are correct, click Finish to copy the floorplan and create the new Floorplans record.

    Confirm New Floorplan Page

  5. The new Floorplans record displays. Verify that all information was copied correctly.
  6. If the floorplan is available for copying in the future, select the Allow Copies option. This option is selected by default.
  7. Save the Floorplans record.
  8. Click the Booths tab and modify the booth information you copied from the other floorplan, as needed. For more information on configuring booths for the floorplan, see Managing the Booths for more information.

Copying an Existing Floorplan Using the Floorplan Copy Wizard

The Floorplan Copy Wizard is another method to copy an existing floorplan's template, along with the booths linked to the floorplan. This allows greater flexibility in configuring floorplans, as users can quickly set up similar floorplans by copying an existing record and making changes, rather than having to build each one manually.

Follow these steps to use this wizard:

  1. Select the Floorplan Copy Wizard icon from the Floorplans service. The Floorplan Copy wizard launches, displaying the Welcome page. Click Next to continue.

    Aptify -Floorplan Copy Wizard
  2. Select an existing Floorplan whose template you would like to copy in the Floorplan field. Click Next to continue.

  3. Select the Booths to copy. To select all of the associated booths click Select All. Click Next to continue.

    Select a -Floorplan
  4. On the Create New Floorplan step, specify a name and description for the new floorplan.

  5. Select the Floorplan Status. Two options are available for the floorplan status. See About the Default Floorplan Statuses for more information. 
    • Arrange & Assign: Users can alter the floorplan and assign booths to customers.
    • Initial Design: Users can alter the floorplan but cannot assign booths to customers.

    Create New Floorplan
  6. Click Display to display the new floorplan and Finish to complete the wizard.

    Finish Page

About the Default Floorplan Statuses

Aptify includes four standard Floorplan Status options. A user's ability to modify a floorplan and its associated booths are dependent upon the floorplan's current status.

The four standard options are described below:

  • Initial Design: Users can design and modify the floorplan and booth layout but cannot assign booths to customers.
  • Arrange & Assign: Users can alter the floorplan and also assign booths to customers.
  • Assignment Only: Users can assign booths to customers but cannot modify the floorplan or the booth layout.
  • Closed: Users cannot alter the floorplan or assign booths to customers.
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