About the Case Cost Types Form

This service stores the set of available cost types that can be assigned to Case Costs records. See About the Case Costs Form for more details. It identifies the types of costs that can be associated with cases.


Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Case Cost Types record.

Name (required)

The name of the cost type.

Description (required)

A description of the cost type.


Specifies a rank for the case cost type relative to the other cost types. This field is for tracking purposes only. By default, cost types are not sorted by rank order in the Case Cost Type drop-down field on the Case Costs form.

GL Account

Links the cost type to a GL account, if applicable.


When checked, this cost type is available to assign to new Case Costs records. Note that by default, inactive types continue to appear in the Case Cost Type drop-down field on the Case Costs form.


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