Using the Object Viewer

The Object Viewer is an alternate way of accessing data within records. Using the Object Viewer, a user may see all data contained in all fields in the table on which the record is based, not just the data that is displayed on the regular form. Most of this data may also be updated at this level, including ID fields. The only fields which may not be edited are virtual fields and linked fields.

The Object Viewer does not make use of any field validation that may exist, such as selection of a value from a list or selection of a linked record. In other words, the Object Viewer completely bypasses any business logic set up for that service and thus could result in a risk to data integrity if users do not fully understand the system. This functionality is therefore most appropriate for power users who are familiar with the logic behind the setup of records in that service.

This topic covers the following sub-topics:

Granting Permissions for Object Viewer

In order to use the Object Viewer, the user must be granted Object Viewer permissions. These are set up similar to all other entity security permissions on the Security tab of the Entities form. Users and groups are granted permission to the Object Viewer by selecting the Allow Object Viewer option on the Entity Group or Entity Users Permissions records. Users or Groups granted Object Viewer permissions must also be granted Read permission so that users may access the data. If the users require the ability to change data through the Object Viewer, they must also be granted Edit permissions. 

Opening the Object Viewer

To open the Object Viewer, right-click a row in a view of a service to which Object Viewer permissions have been granted and select Object Viewer from the context menu. The View Object form displays, listing all fields defined for the entity and the values in each field for that record. 

View Object Form

Printing Object Viewer Information

Click the Print button to launch the Report wizard. The Object Viewer displays the following print options:

  • List: This report option is not supported for the Object Viewer.
  • Detail: Select this option to print out the top-level record's field information. Note that each field is printed on a separate row.
  • Export: Select this option to export information from one or more fields in the top-level record to a text file that can be imported into another program, such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel.

See Running the Standard Reports for more information on these standard reports.

Updating Object Viewer Fields

Follow these steps to update a field in the top-level record from within the Object Viewer:

You can only update those fields that are marked with a green arrow icon. Fields with a blue arrow icon are not updateable.

  1. Double-click a row to display the Edit Field dialog box.
    • This dialog box displays the field characteristics (such as field type, name, and length), as well as the current value. Name, Type, and Length are displayed only for informational purposes and are read-only.

       Edit Field Dialog
  2. Update the field value, as necessary.
  3. Click OK to return to the View Object form.
  4. Click Save or Save and Close to save your changes. 

Updating Sub-Type Records from the Object Viewer

All sub-type entities are displayed in the list view on the left side of the Object Viewer form. If any sub-type records exist, you can also expand the list view to display these records.

Expanded Sub Types
Expanding the sub types menu displays a list of all the records for that sub-type. These records may be selected and updated in the same manner as the main (parent) record. 

Using Record History from the Object Viewer

The View Object form is also used to display different versions of a record through the Record History form. When viewing Record History for a record, each version of the record is listed in the grid. Double-clicking one of the rows opens the Object Viewer for that version of the record, displaying the data in the record in the state it was saved at that point in time. All fields are read-only when viewed from a Record History row.

This functionality is available whether or not the user has been granted Object Viewer permissions for that entity. See Opening the Record History for more information on Record History.

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