Login/Sign Up

To fully utilize the e-Business 6.x/7.x features, users must log in with a username or email and password. By selecting the 'Keep me Logged In' option, users can remain logged in and avoid re-entering their credentials for subsequent sessions on the same device, unless the browser cache is cleared. To create a new account, users can click 'Create Your New e-Business Account' or 'Sign Up' button.

Knockout User Interface: Login Page
React User Interface: Sign In Page


The e-Business 6.x/7.x provides the user with an ability to reset the password if the user has forgotten the current password. A reset link will be sent to the registered email address once the user chooses to send the reset password email.

Knockout User Interface: Forgot Password Page
React User Interface: Forgot Password Page


If you are a new user, it is recommended to create a profile with the 'Sign Up' feature by providing the details in the mandatory fields to avail the features of e-Business 6.x/7.x

The following are the mandatory fields that require information to create a user profile:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Register e-mail
  • Password
  • Confirm Password

The e-mail address used during the Sign-Up process will be the username for logging into the website. After logging into the website, it is recommended to update the rest of the profile information. For the detailed description of profile information, see Person Profile.

Knockout User Interface: Sign Up Page
React User Interface: Sign Un Page


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