The Key Performance Indicators form contains the information about a KPI that would be selected to determine the Composite Engagement Score.
Attach any documents relevant to this KPI on the Attachments tab.
Description of this KPI.
KPI Formula
Identifies the KPI formula record associated with this KPI. Field name links to the record for the KPI formula selected.
KPI Unit Type
Identifies the type of KPI unit for this KPI. The field name links to the record for the KPI unit type selected.
Measurement Type
Identifies the type of KPI measurement. The valid values are:
- Formula
- Manual
Contains the name of the KPI.
Select the status of this KOI. This is an informative field and does not have any effect on this KPI. The valid values are:
- Active
- Inactive
- Planning
Related Topics
Using Composite Engagement Score
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